Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Kegiatan Pada Saat PKL

Tanggal 1/6
*Apel Pagi
*Buat Surat Koperasi
*Buat Surat Nota Dinas
*Buat Surat Koperasi
*Buat Surat Nota Dinas
*Buat Surat Koperasi
*Buat Laporan Keuangan
*Buat Koperasi
*Tiadak ada Tugas,/Kerjaan
*Tidak ada Kerjaan

Tanggal 8/13

*Apel Pagi
*tidak ada Kerjaan
*Buat Surat Koperasi
*Buat Laporan Keuangan
*Buat Laporan Untuk Rapat
*buat Surat Koperasi
*Buat Laporan Untuk Rapat
*Buat Laporan Untuk Rapat
*Buat laporan Untuk Rapat
*Buat Stuktur Kantor

Tanggal 15/20
*Apel Pagi
*Buat Nota Pembayaran Koperasi
*Buat Surat Tugas KePalembang
*Apel Pagi
*Buat Nota Penbayaran Koperasi
*Ngecap Kwitansi
*Apel Pagi
*Buat Laporan Koperasi

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Asal Sekolah Terakhir

"SMA "Al-Kautsar"
Jl, Jembatan Baru,
Desa Tanjung Payang

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Data Teman

No induk
Wonorejo, 14-12-1988
Tekhnik informatika

Tenti Purnama Sari
Lahat, 21-07-1991
Tekhnik informatika

Tanjung agung, 08-10-1989
Tekhnik informatika

Refi Afriani
Palembang, 06-04-1990
tekhnik informatika

Gedung agung, 14-04-1990
Kota baru
Tekhnik komputer

Jawatimur, 12-07-1990
Kota baru
Tekhnik informatika

Rani Aprianti
Lahat 05-april-1990
Gunung gajah

Eha Wati
Tanjung kurung ilir, 21-11-1987
Gang pagun
in Windarti
Lahat, 08-08-1991
Kota jaya

Yupita Herliana
Muara-3, 28-02-1989
Gang pagun

Nia Lestari
Palembang, 06-03-1991
Percetakan raja
Tekhnik Informatika


Jumat, 17 April 2009

general ledger

GL 2000 adalah program akuntansi yang dapat membantu Perusahaan Anda dalam mencatat transaksi sehari-hari yang terjadi di Perusahaan Anda, melakukan posting bulanan terhadap transaksi tersebut, dan juga menampilkan laporan-laporan keuangan baik internal maupun eksternal sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan Anda.
Kebutuhan sistem :
Windows 95/97/98/NT/2000/Me/XP
Processor Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III
Memory minimal 16 MB
Network untuk multiuser (Optional)
Keunggulan :
Year 2000 Compliant, Siap menghadapi tahun 2000
Running under Windows
User friendly, mudah dalam penggunaan
Single/Multi user, berjalan di jaringan Windows workgroup atau NT
Report dapat dikonversi ke Word, Excell, HTML, dll
Multi Currencies (GL 2000 MC)
Security untuk setiap pemakai berdasarkan menu (menu dapat diaktifkan/dinon-aktifkan).
Data yang sudah diposting dapat diposting ulang (reposting)
Awal periode dapat ditentukan di awal setup data (Januari – Desember).
Proses akhir periode diproses secara otomatis.

Transaksi-transaksi yang terjadi sehari-hari dimasukkan ke GL 2000. Data transaksi-transaksi tersebut kemudian disimpan ke dalam database, yang kemudian diolah untuk menghasilkan laporan-laporan sesuai dengan format Perusahaan Anda.
Jika Perusahaan Anda memiliki jaringan, GL 2000 dapat digunakan oleh lebih dari satu user di komputer yang berbeda. Salah satu komputer berfungsi sebagai server, sedangkan yang lainnya berfungsi sebagai client.

DAFTAR ISI - PENDAHULUAN - GENERAL LEDGER 2000TAMPILAN : Tampilan Utama - Input Journal - User Administrator/Authorization REPORT : Journal Check List - General Ledger - Trial Balance - Profit Loss - Balance Sheet - Chart of Accounts

Selasa, 07 April 2009

visual basic.60

VB Learning VB 6
In the 'Essentials' topic Learning Visual Basic, a program that uses one form with two command buttons was introduced.
We're going to go through the complete steps to create this.First ... in rapid fire ... the steps. Then ... a more complete explanation.
1. Start Visual Basic. Usually, 'Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio > Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0'.
2. Click the default Standard EXE icon and then click the Open button.
3. Click the Command Button icon in the Toolbox. Draw two buttons on the form by clicking and dragging.
4. Click the first Command Button to select it. Open the property window and change the Name property to CommandA. Change the Caption to A.
5. Select the second Command Button from the drop down window at the top of the property window and then change the Name property to CommandB. Change the Caption to B.
6. Double click the first Command Button object in the form to open the code window for that button.
7. Enter the code, Msgbox "You clicked Button A" after the automatically entered code Private Sub CommandA_Click().
8. Double click the second Command Button object in the form to open the code window for that button.
9. Enter the code, Msgbox "You clicked Button B" after the automatically entered code Private Sub CommandB_Click().
10. Click the Run button in the toolbar at the top of the VB 6 development environment window to execute the program.
11. Click either button A or button B and observe the fruits of your labor!
Whew!!! Continue on to the next page to do this a little slower.

Visual Basic

Step 1 and Step 2
Start Visual Basic. Usually, 'Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio > Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0'.Click the default "Standard EXE" icon and then click the "Open" button.
You should see the opening dialog window as explained in Learning Visual Basic. Check that page out for more.
Step 3
Drag a 'Command Button' from the 'Toolbox' to the form and drop it. Drag another one to the form and drop it.
The VB 6 development environment is designed to let you constantly change the components that are visible so you can work with only those windows that apply to the problem at hand. The 'ToolBox' is one of those components and may, or may not, be visible in your system. The 'Toolbox' looks like this: (The tools that are in the toolbox can change too!)
If you can't see the toolbox, look for it in the 'View' menu. And notice that several other components can be turned on and off there, too. Some that you will use are:
· Project Explorer
· Immediate Window
· Locals Window
· Watch Window
Another thing to know is that VB 6 uses the right-click 'context menu' a lot. Right click 'Form1' for example and notice the options there. This is the fastest way to switch between viewing an object (like Form1) and the code in that object.
Next page > Finishing the Two Button Form > Page 1, 2, 3, 4,


visual basic.60

VB Learning VB 6
In the 'Essentials' topic Learning Visual Basic, a program that uses one form with two command buttons was introduced.
We're going to go through the complete steps to create this.First ... in rapid fire ... the steps. Then ... a more complete explanation.
1. Start Visual Basic. Usually, 'Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio > Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0'.
2. Click the default Standard EXE icon and then click the Open button.
3. Click the Command Button icon in the Toolbox. Draw two buttons on the form by clicking and dragging.
4. Click the first Command Button to select it. Open the property window and change the Name property to CommandA. Change the Caption to A.
5. Select the second Command Button from the drop down window at the top of the property window and then change the Name property to CommandB. Change the Caption to B.
6. Double click the first Command Button object in the form to open the code window for that button.
7. Enter the code, Msgbox "You clicked Button A" after the automatically entered code Private Sub CommandA_Click().
8. Double click the second Command Button object in the form to open the code window for that button.
9. Enter the code, Msgbox "You clicked Button B" after the automatically entered code Private Sub CommandB_Click().
10. Click the Run button in the toolbar at the top of the VB 6 development environment window to execute the program.
11. Click either button A or button B and observe the fruits of your labor!
Whew!!! Continue on to the next page to do this a little slower.

Visual Basic

Step 1 and Step 2
Start Visual Basic. Usually, 'Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio > Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0'.Click the default "Standard EXE" icon and then click the "Open" button.
You should see the opening dialog window as explained in Learning Visual Basic. Check that page out for more.
Step 3
Drag a 'Command Button' from the 'Toolbox' to the form and drop it. Drag another one to the form and drop it.
The VB 6 development environment is designed to let you constantly change the components that are visible so you can work with only those windows that apply to the problem at hand. The 'ToolBox' is one of those components and may, or may not, be visible in your system. The 'Toolbox' looks like this: (The tools that are in the toolbox can change too!)
If you can't see the toolbox, look for it in the 'View' menu. And notice that several other components can be turned on and off there, too. Some that you will use are:
· Project Explorer
· Immediate Window
· Locals Window
· Watch Window
Another thing to know is that VB 6 uses the right-click 'context menu' a lot. Right click 'Form1' for example and notice the options there. This is the fastest way to switch between viewing an object (like Form1) and the code in that object.
Next page > Finishing the Two Button Form > Page 1, 2, 3, 4,
